What Are The Names Starting With The Letter "A"

What Are The Names Starting With The Letter "A"
What Are The Names Starting With The Letter "A"

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Names that begin with the letter "A" are considered the most common because of their beautiful sound and good compatibility with any patronymic. Their meanings have been passed from mouth to mouth for centuries and millennia! Despite the fact that it is in fashion today to name children outside the box, the six most popular names with the letter "A" do not cease to be in demand among modern parents.

What are the names for the letter
What are the names for the letter


Step 1

Alexander is a “courageous defender”. This is how the ancient Greeks described the owner of this name. In most cases, Alexandras meet this definition, although there are exceptions to all the rules. Traditionally, the bearers of this name are persistent in achieving goals, have fortitude and a friendly character. This is often accompanied by arrogance and self-confidence.

Step 2

Alexandra in Ancient Greece was considered the protector of people. In appearance, the owners of this name are secretive and distrustful, although an open soul and a good disposition are usually hidden behind a screen of seriousness. Such girls, as a rule, turn out to be careerists, business ladies and unapproachable persons. Sasha is often a sociable person, and therefore quickly finds a common language with both his superiors and subordinates.

Step 3

Alexey is another most common male name. Translated into ancient Greek, it means "protecting". Alexei are very loving sons and good family men, therefore in the "hands" of powerful women they often become henpecked. The owners of this name often have excessive loyalty of character.

Step 4

Anastasia is a beautiful female name that means "resurrection" in ancient Greek. Often, its owners have a difficult fate, in spite of which they change their lives for the better. By nature, Anastasia is an introvert, and all her self-confidence is often ostentatious. A high proportion of selfishness and a sharp mind allows her to play on the feelings of loved ones, hiding it under the veil of selflessness.

Step 5

Andrew is another ancient Greek name meaning "masculinity." From an early age, its bearer behaves like a true man: he is willing to intercede for the weak, argues with elders and skillfully defends his opinion. Among Andreev there are many successful people, good husbands and fathers. Such men sometimes have an overdeveloped sense of possessiveness, so they are painfully jealous.

Step 6

Anna is a name meaning "mercy." Its owner can really be reproached with excessive kindness. Sometimes this quality is boldly used by impure people in their thoughts, making Anna deeply unhappy. Another precise characteristic of a woman with this name is patience. She manifests itself as Anna both in marriage and in friendships, but the girl usually does not allow herself to be manipulated, boldly denoting her own principles.

Step 7

Anatoly, Alla, Anton, Antonina, Artem, Alevtina are very popular names with the letter "A". Each of them has an equally interesting characteristic. However, when choosing a name for a child, it is worth remembering that his character is mainly influenced by the nuances of upbringing. The saying about a boat sailing under the influence of the name is true only when the meaning of the name is supported by personal qualities.
