Why Punish A Child And How To Do It Right

Why Punish A Child And How To Do It Right
Why Punish A Child And How To Do It Right

Most parents are sure that punishment for a child is painful, insulting and humiliating. But you can punish a child in different ways, for example, with a conversation or even an instructive tale.

Why punish a child and how to do it right
Why punish a child and how to do it right

Conflicts and subsequent punishments are perhaps the most unpleasant thing in raising a child. Some argue that it is strictly forbidden to punish a child, others easily spank the offender and send him to a corner. Should a child be punished and how to do it right? Let's try to figure it out. If a child goes beyond what is permissible, does not listen to adults, or throws fists at his mother, punishment can and should be.

Physically punishing. When parents beat a child and put him in a corner for the slightest offense, the child does not understand the essence of the conflict. After all, mom and dad, who claim that he is the most dear and beloved, behave in a completely unusual way. In most cases, such children grow into notorious adolescents, often with low self-esteem.

Screams. Trying to convey to the child the mistakes in his behavior, most adults begin to scream. This behavior of an adult scares, saddens and upsets the child. Sometimes it is enough to just sit the child next to you and just talk.

Fright. You cannot frighten a child in case of disobedience to Baba Yaga, a bad uncle, an orphanage, etc. In such cases, children simply stop trusting their parents, because a mother, the most loving and dear one, is ready to give her child to someone.

Deprivation of something promised. If the baby was promised a toy, a trip to the park or a movie, and was deprived of it as punishment, the baby may take it even harder than physical punishment. In such cases, it is necessary to adequately assess the corresponding punishment for the committed misconduct.

Fairy tale as punishment Fairy tales can also be used as an element of education. It is enough just to find a piece with a similar situation. Thus, the baby himself will find a solution in this situation and correct the situation.

A heart-to-heart conversation is also one of the methods of punishment. To do this, one of the parents needs to stay alone with the child and ask in detail what motivated the child by committing this or that offense, why he did it, etc. Then you need to calmly tell what the mistakes were, how to fix the consequences. Such behavior of an adult can prevent such misconduct and the desire to play pranks out of harm.
