Sexual constitution is an innate sexual temperament that does not change throughout life. It can be different: strong, medium and weak. None of those listed are either good or bad, because "for every product there is a merchant." But when choosing a partner, it is recommended to take into account the factor of sexual temperament in order to maintain harmony in the relationship.

A complete diagnosis is usually carried out by a sexologist, because very correctly verified anthropometric studies are needed, in addition, a detailed history collection. But still, there are several scales by which it is determined. First of all, one should take into account the age at which sexual desire began to wake up. The earlier a person began to experience sexual desire, the stronger his sexual constitution. This applies to both men and women. Speaking about women, you need to pay attention to the age of the onset of menstruation: later - the constitution is weaker, earlier - stronger.
The second factor is the height to leg ratio. Why is it taken into account: the bone growth zone closes at a certain period, this is very often correlated with puberty. In other words, the earlier the bones close and the further the upper part of the body is stretched, the more likely it is that the sexual constitution of a person is "strong". The later, the longer the legs are in relation to the body, and the more likely a person has a weak sexual constitution.
An eloquent criterion for men is sexual excess - the number of ejaculations throughout a man's life during the day. Weak sexual constitution - no more than three ejaculations per day (meaning ejaculation), average - somewhere around 5-6, strong - from 9 and a little further.
The type of hair growth is also taken into account. If there are more hairs, it means that the adrenal glands are working well, there is more testosterone, therefore, the sexual constitution is higher. The size of the big toe is important. If the big toe is short, then a higher sexual constitution is suspected, if the long one is less high, or rather, medium or weak.