Personality and temperament are closely related. Temperament largely determines personality traits, individual characteristics, and personality traits.

Step 1
Despite the fact that each person is different, people have a number of common traits that underlie their temperament. There are four pure types of temperament. Among them are choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic. In nature, they are quite rare, most often people have a mixed temperament.
Step 2
The choleric type of temperament indicates that there is a bright and active personality in front of you. The choleric thinks and makes decisions extremely quickly, he is persistent in achieving the goal. As a rule, it occupies a leading position in society. He often has mood changes and emotional breakdowns. In disputes, he does not compromise and goes to complete victory. Choleric people are very efficient, but they quickly waste their energy and are depleted.
Step 3
The phlegmatic person is calm and balanced, stingy with the external manifestation of emotions and feelings. He loves to plan his life and predict the consequences of his actions. It is quite slow, but at the same time it is obligatory and does its job on time. Phlegmatic people are conservatives in life, they rarely change their preferences and habits.
Step 4
Melancholic people are often bleak and depressed. They are outwardly always restrained and do not show emotions. At the same time, they are sensitive to criticism and praise, emotionally vulnerable, although they may not show this. Makes high demands on himself, and demands the same from the environment. Melancholic people are introverts, they are not afraid of loneliness.
Step 5
A sanguine person is an energetic and cheerful person. He is easily trained, well-versed in unfamiliar situations and quite resourceful. Intolerant of routine work and stereotypical thinking. He is quite efficient, but as long as the work is interesting to him. A sanguine person has a wide range of interests, however, they often change.
Step 6
Temperament does not affect a person's ability to achieve success in life, just some problems are solved more easily by a person with one type of temperament, others with another. Each temperament has positive and negative properties. So, melancholic people are helped by good upbringing and a high level of self-control, phlegmatic people - self-control, sanguine people - responsiveness, choleric people - activity. At the same time, shyness creates serious problems for melancholic people, slowness for phlegmatic people, inconstancy for sanguine people, aggressiveness and irritability for choleric people.
Step 7
The type of temperament determines the speed of mental processes (in particular, the speed of perception, speed of thinking, attentiveness, etc.); plastic; pace of activity; the intensity of mental processes (strength of emotions and willpower); personality orientation (extraverted or introverted). These or those traits of temperament form the basis of a personality's character and form its special style of interaction with the outside world.