When a long-awaited baby is born, parents are faced with the question of choosing a name. Some families know in advance exactly what they will call the baby, others cannot decide for a long time.

Originality of the name
The birth of a daughter is an important event in the life of both parents. The choice of a name is a very responsible and serious moment. Indeed, according to a large number of legends and beliefs, the name has a direct impact on the fate of a person.
Nowadays, it has become very popular to call children rare unusual names, thus allowing to emphasize the individuality of the baby, his dissimilarity from the rest. Among the favorites of the list of unusual female names are the following: Milana, Aurora, Varvara, Taisia, Diana. However, when choosing a name for your daughter, do not forget that she has to live with him all the time. Therefore, you should not choose something too extravagant and extraordinary.
The Russian registry office has registered several representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with the name Russia.
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can call a baby absolutely any, even a fictitious name. So, you can find girls with the names: Violet, Stalin, Brilliant, Lilac, Victory. But it may well be that parental efforts will not be crowned with success, and barely reaching the age of 14, the girl will hasten to change her unique name to a more traditional one.
According to statistics of recent years, the following female names occupy the first places in popularity: Sophia, Maria, Anastasia and Daria. These are not such rare, but very sonorous female names.
The influence of the name on the character
On the shelves of stores or libraries, as well as on the Internet, you can find a huge number of interpreters of names. There is an opinion that each name leaves an imprint on its owner, endows him with specific character traits and attitude to life.
Many parents flip through thousands of pages, reading the meanings of the names and trying to choose the perfect name in terms of whether a girl has certain traits.
The baby must be registered with the registry office within a month from the date of birth.
So, Anna is considered modest and virtuous, Victoria is striving for victory in everything, and Polina is docile and friendly.
Indeed, there is some relationship between name and character. However, do not forget that the character is influenced by the time of birth, and the month of birth of the child, as well as the environment in which he grows up and is brought up.
Other criteria influencing the choice of name
Many people try to name the baby according to the calendar. Those. they pay attention to which saint's name day is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on the child's birthday or the day closest to this date. Thus, the range of suitable names is significantly narrowed. In addition, it is believed that the saint after whom the baby is named will become his reliable guardian angel.
Daughters are also named in honor of relatives, famous personalities or heroines of their favorite films and works. However, there is an opinion that a person named after someone will repeat his fate. Pay attention to this when choosing a name for your child.
The beautiful sounding of a full name with a patronymic and surname is an important selection criterion that must be treated very carefully. For example, a simple surname like Ivanov-Petrov will not be in harmony with a rare name like Snezhana or Kristalina. Be sure to listen to your intuition, often parents feel which name is likely to suit their daughter well.