What Is The Best Name For A Child If He Was Born On Monday

What Is The Best Name For A Child If He Was Born On Monday
What Is The Best Name For A Child If He Was Born On Monday

People born on Monday are under the auspices of the moon. As a rule, these are very emotional, subtly perceiving people who suffer from their hypersensitivity. A well-chosen name can lower their emotionality a little and thus make life easier.

What is the best name for a child if he was born on Monday
What is the best name for a child if he was born on Monday

Moon people

People born on Monday are rarely guided by reason, since emotions are much closer to them. They prefer to relive important events rather than analyze them. Everything that happens to them affects their soul and heart, so the life of such people can be quite nervous. The psyche of a "lunar" person is always tense, therefore "people of Monday" are often regular clients of psychoanalysts and neuropathologists.

When communicating with friends, lunar people prefer to focus on emotions, which may not always be clear even to the closest people. Any appeal to the mind of the lunar man is meaningless, he simply does not perceive the world in this way. This can negatively affect his learning ability.

Babies born on Monday are very vulnerable. They are tormented by a huge number of fears, so you should not read them fairy tales with excessively evil characters, show films and cartoons in which there is cruelty. Experiences like these can make a lunar child nervous, sick and worn out. The calmer the childhood of such a child, the easier it will be for him to adapt to life in the adult world.

Most often, lunar people choose humanitarian professions, work with suffering people. They become wonderful doctors, nurses and nurses. If in childhood the moon child did not have terrible stresses and experiences, he can turn out to be a good psychologist who subtly feels the problems of other people.

How do I choose a name?

Unfortunately, many lunar people have problems finding family happiness. It is quite difficult to find a person who can adequately perceive the heightened emotionality of his partner and respond to it correctly.

For such children, you need to choose names-armor that will protect them from the outside world, muffle sensitivity and vulnerability, give a little rigidity and structure, and help establish communication with other people.

For boys born on Monday, names such as Alexander, Alexey, Konstantin, Nikolai, Oleg, Maxim, Georgy are best suited. These names have a strong enough, but at the same time soft energy, which will definitely not come into conflict with the natural softness and vulnerability of moon children.

The names Olga, Naina, Valeria, Elena, Christina, Alla are suitable for the moon girls. These names can become good shields that protect their owners from the negative influences of the outside world.
