The question of how to name the future baby, parents think long before his birth. It has long been known that the chosen name affects the fate of a person and his character. The date and time of birth also plays a big role. And choosing the right name for a newborn is difficult. The choice of name is also influenced by the family's religion and political views.

Step 1
Babies who were born during a harsh season should be given softer names. Otherwise, the child may grow up to be aggressive, and even embittered. It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of the name with the patronymic and surname. After all, this is how the child will be treated in adulthood. Many people want to stand out by calling the baby an extraordinary name. But it's worth considering how this will affect his future.
Step 2
In winter, very talented and motivated people are born. Although, they are aggressive and prone to conflict. Children born in December are persistent, most often they achieve their goals. They are emotional and quick-tempered. "Winter children" should be called the majestic names of kings or leaders. Then they can achieve great success. For example, a girl can be called Anna, Olga, Ekaterina. Boy - Peter, Alexander, Ivan, Mikhail. In addition, these names correspond to the names for December at Christmas time.
Step 3
At baptism, the priest sometimes does not find the name you have chosen in the Christmas tree, so he may suggest a different name. This is normal. This is what our ancestors did. The name, which was baptized in the church, was kept secret from everyone. And the child was addressed with the name chosen by the parents. Give your child your name, no need to name the child after grandparents or beloved aunt. In this case, it is likely that the child will inherit the character and temperament of a relative. Let your child bear his name and build his own destiny.