Many popular methods for determining the sex of the unborn child have arisen in connection with the increased interest in this issue. Since ancient times, people have sought to unravel the mystery, which still remains inaccessible to man. One of the popular methods for determining sex is by calculating the date of conception.

Conception date
It is a well-known fact that the sex of a child is determined at the time of conception, namely, when a fusion occurs between the sperm and the egg. The ovum has no sex, and the sperm carries the gene for gender. Given this fact, we can say that the sex of the child will depend solely on the man, or rather, on the sperm.
Sperm are carriers of the X and Y chromosomes. If the egg is fertilized with a sperm with an X chromosome, a girl will be born, and in the case of an XY chromosome, a boy.
As you know, the conception of a child can occur exclusively at the time of ovulation, that is, at the moment when the egg matures and enters the fallopian tube, leaving the ovary. Ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle.
Sperm, which are carriers of XY chromosomes, are always more active than carriers of X chromosomes. However, in comparison with the X chromosome, XY are able to stay in the female genital tract for much less time. Based on this fact, it is better to plan the conception of a boy in advance so that it exactly falls on the day of ovulation.
Blood type and Rh factor
Another way to find out the sex of the unborn child is to determine the sex by the blood group of the parents and the Rh factor. This is not to say that this technique is accurate, but rather contradictory. There is a table that will help, knowing the blood type of both parents, even before conception, determine the future son or daughter.
There is also a huge number of folk signs. Some are well known. Believe it or not - everyone's choice, but it's still worth mentioning them.
One of the most famous signs can be called a sign that calls for attention to the waist of the expectant mother. They say that if mom's waist is preserved during a long period of pregnancy, then the boy is worth waiting for.
Another way is to pay attention to how often the fetus is moving, since most often boys are more active.
If mommy eats more sweets, but earlier it was the other way around, then, most likely, you should wait for your daughter.
There is also an opinion that the less time has passed between births, the more likely the child will be of the opposite sex.
Sometimes it is not possible to reliably determine the sex of a child even by means of an ultrasound examination. It doesn't matter what gender your baby is, the main thing is the most important happiness.