Everyone knows that a man and a woman are too different and differ not only in gender. From childhood, girls and boys are brought up in different ways, and when they grow up, they cannot find a common language, understand each other. If they want to achieve mutual understanding in a relationship, they will have to work hard.

Try to understand a man
Understand that men don't like idle chatter. Before you talk to a representative of the stronger sex, you need to set yourself not only a goal, but also the topic of your conversation, otherwise the man will not understand what exactly you want from him and what this whole conversation is about.
Also remember that with the phrase “we need to talk” you will scare the man, put him into a stupor, so you should not say these words. If you want to talk with your lover about your relationship, you need to clearly articulate what you want from the relationship, what does not suit you in them, and what you need to try to change.
A man must clearly know and understand what they want from him.
You've probably noticed that men are less emotional than women. That is why you do not need to take offense at your beloved man if he does not kiss you in front of friends and does not overwhelm you with declarations of love. He loves you, it's just that the representatives of the stronger sex are used to showing love by deed, not by word.
Never interrupt a man if he wants to talk to you, even if this is the longest monologue you have ever heard. Let him feel that what he says is very interesting and important to you, and when he gives you the floor, you can safely express whatever you think.
Often men, when faced with any difficult life situation, are silent about it and do not want to share their problems and experiences with anyone. Try not to be offended at him, leave him alone with himself, let him think, look for ways out of the problem, and when everything in his head settles down, most likely, he will gladly tell you about his thoughts, he will also be grateful to you for that, that you listened to him.
Guys love it when girls are interested in their problems. They will always appreciate your concern.
The most important thing in communicating with men
And the most important nuance that every woman must know and remember when communicating with men is that they do not read minds. Often women hint to a man about a gift, about some household chores, about a new purchase. However, men do not take the hints, no matter how hard you try, do not hope that he will guess, this will not happen! Do you want something? Tell it directly! So you can save your and his nerves, avoid a bunch of quarrels and offenses and get what you have long wanted, because a loving man will always fulfill the request of his woman, because in this way he will show his love for her.