Relationships are different. Some can be destroyed by a slight breath of mistrust, others will go through all the trials, becoming even stronger. Of course, many want their relationship to resemble the second option, but this requires a lot of effort.

Step 1
Find something interesting for the two of you. Talk to your partner, find out what he likes to do in his free time from work. For example, you have always dreamed of learning how to snowboard or play billiards. If your lover / beloved wants the same, then it is worth doing it together. Pick a time that works best for your hobby. It's great for bonding and makes the relationship stronger.
Step 2
Stop hoping that your partner can be re-educated. Try to find something good in the features you don't like very much. Understand that it is better to enjoy what you have, and not spoil each other's mood over trifles. If you decide to be with a person, then be with him, and not with the ideal that you yourself came up with.
Step 3
Get rid of illusions. Face your relationship. Try to strengthen all their strengths and reduce the number of weaknesses. There is no perfect relationship. However, you can try to get closer to them.
Step 4
Talk to your loved one more. Make it a common habit to talk over a cup of tea after dinner or before bed. Tell your partner everything that happened to you over the past day, tell about your dreams, hopes, fears. The more you talk, the closer you will become to each other.
Step 5
Do not avoid solving problems and conflicts that arise. As soon as you feel that you do not like something about the behavior of your loved one, let him know about it. You don't need to scream, throw tantrums, or insult your partner. On the contrary, the kinder you are, the more effectively the information will be perceived. But it should be borne in mind that the partner can express his complaints to you at any time. In this case, you need to listen carefully to him and think over every word. After analyzing the comments received, adjust your behavior.