A man of any age is characterized by the desire to attract the attention of the beauty he likes. And whatever they do for this …
There are such subjects who jump out of windows and start terrible fights, believing that after that the girl will notice him for sure. But these are extremes.
In ordinary life, normal guys have difficulties in only two aspects of this issue.

Step 1
Shyness. How can you overcome embarrassment and take the first step to get her attention? To develop self-confidence and raise self-esteem requires deep self-improvement. Read the psychological literature on this topic. Better yet, attend a couple of trainings. The effect will be instant!
Step 2
Ignorance of specific ways to attract female attention. It is important to learn here that the girl will notice you if you:
- you will favorably differ from others (the most fashionable, the best employee of the month);
- you will do something “pleasantly non-standard” (unexpectedly give her a beautiful flower; smile broadly and greet her when you meet - if you don’t know each other yet; at work you will offer to bring her coffee, etc.).
Step 3
The combination of these two factors provides not only 100% attention, but also a huge interest in your person, often turning into a persistent dizzying passion!