Liberalism and democracy have led to the forgetting of tradition. To become a husband and wife, it is enough to come to the registry office and sign, not remembering the old customs. Recently, however, more and more couples are returning to the performance of wedding ceremonies, one of which is matchmaking.

Step 1
The bride must be married, not the groom. At the same time, close relatives of the young make an appointment with the girl's parents. The groom may not participate in the first stage of matchmaking.
It is better to schedule matchmaking on an odd calendar day, especially the 1st, 3rd, 7th are considered favorable. According to tradition, on the 13th, it is better not to do important life-changing deeds.
Step 2
On the appointed day, the parents or close relatives of the groom come to the bride's parents with the words “we have a merchant - you have goods”. Matchmakers really "buy" the bride, offering a ransom for her, and describe their wealth and well-being - everything that the bride will get in her future home. The first stage of matchmaking will be the acquaintance of the parents of both parties, discussion of the way of life in families. The task of matchmakers is to "advertise" the young man.
Step 3
After a successful conversation that satisfies both parties, a second date is set for the arrival of the matchmakers. On this day, they should bring with them specially baked bread: a symbol of prosperity and well-being at home. On this day, the groom meets the bride's parents. The young man offers his hand and heart and asks for blessings from the bride's father. If, after discussions, the girl's side agrees to the wedding, then her parents should bite off part of the loaf, and the bride's father puts his daughter's hand in the palm of her chosen one and blesses the young.
If the bride's parents do not agree to marry their daughter, then they return the loaf to the matchmakers. In this case, the matchmakers must leave in silence. If they leave the apartment, closing the door with their backs, then the bride will not be able to find a suitable match for herself for a long time.
Step 4
Discussion of the upcoming wedding takes place during the second or third stage of matchmaking. The young people agree on the dates of the engagement and wedding. Parents, with the participation of young people, decide how and where to celebrate the long-awaited event. On this day, the bride's dowry may be agreed.