Often, girls pout their lips, withdraw into themselves or play in silence, demonstrating resentment against their beloved. With all their appearance, they ask the offender to pity them, turn their attention, calm them down. In these ways, they achieved parental participation in their childhood sorrows, and they also act in adulthood. However, they forget that it is more pleasant for a beloved man to see a cheerful, cheerful girlish face. And his love, unlike parental love, is not unconditional.

Step 1
Try not to be offended by your beloved man if he came home from work agitated, irritable. A person is not always in a rainbow, peaceful state. Make him feel that you are definitely on his side, that you are one team. And instead of pouting lips, let the offender receive support and understanding from you.
Step 2
Analyze the situation that led you to resent your loved one. Reflect on how you think the abuser should have behaved so as not to upset you. How objective are your expectations of another person's openness and friendliness. How to relate these expectations to reality. Perhaps you will understand that resentment against a loved one could be nipped in the bud. Choose the right tactics for dealing with your loved one.

Step 3
Try to figure out what exactly the beloved man meant, who inadvertently made you offended. Capture the essence of his claims, peeled of offensive attacks against you. You can calmly say: “Okay, dear, I understood you. But let's do without barbs next time. I'm sure you can do it. This way you will keep the peace in your relationship. And stay on top of the situation. Be wiser!
Step 4
Do not harm your health by sinking to resentment against your loved one. With a hidden resentment, muscle tension arises, hence the feeling of a stuck lump in the throat. Blood circulation deteriorates, which leads to a decrease in immunity and various diseases. Many diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular, etc. are a direct consequence of your habit of being offended even over trifles. Do you need it? Think about your health.
Step 5
Joke the offensive statements of your beloved man. Subtle humor is a sign of an outstanding personality. A man will appreciate your mind. Instead of blowing lips like a child, it is better to show yourself as a wise, sensitive, optimistic, understanding, loving and generous woman.
Step 6
In the unsurpassed hymn of love of the Apostle Paul there are words that love is merciful, longsuffering, does not seek its own, does not boast, does not get irritated, covers everything, endures everything. Learn to forgive. If you are in love, do not let ridiculous grudges trample your love.