Some problems in gender relations occur because men and women have different physiology and psychology. They look at the same thing differently, and react in exactly the same way! It is quite natural that a person who is accustomed to considering his feelings and his reaction to be the only correct one experiences embarrassment, bewilderment and even irritation, not seeing the manifestations of the same feelings and the same reaction in another person. How can a girl check that a guy truly loves her? How can she learn to understand her young man, to distinguish truth from lies?

Step 1
First of all, understand and accept the truth: a guy is different in absolutely everything. It is foolish and senseless to expect him to behave in a given situation like another girl, even a best friend! This does not mean that he does not love you.
Step 2
Remember that the vast majority of guys hate endless and empty (from their point of view) chatter. For 99% of girls in love, for the tenth, twentieth, hundredth time to hear the words: "I love you, you are the best, most beautiful, most desirable …" - heavenly music. They are ready to listen to it for the two hundredth time, and for the thousandth time. For 99% of guys, endlessly repeating something is torture and mockery. Even when it comes to words of love.
Step 3
Every girl should memorize like "two two - four": a truly loving guy proves love with deeds, not words! If he does not tell her every hour about his crazy love, this does not mean that his feelings are insincere! Let her remember better: did he meet her in the dark at the bus stop to escort her home? Did you take a heavy burden away from her so that she would not get tired? Did you help around the house or school? Did you show initiative in communication, for example, did you call yourself? Did you worry when she was sick, did you offer your help? The answers to these questions will tell a lot!
Step 4
Don't forget that guys and girls have completely different interests! Alas, there is often a situation when a seemingly completely normal, intelligent girl mortally offended her boyfriend: he, they say, almost yawned, listening to her story, with all his appearance showed that he was tired of her! In response to a quite reasonable question: "What did you tell him about?" followed by a detailed description of a trip to the store for purely women's purchases or a retelling of some gossip. The poor girl had no idea that such topics, which would surely interest her friend, cause gnashing of teeth even in the most loving guy.