Any relationship is unthinkable without quarrels and disagreements. Psychologists believe that it is much easier for a girl to make peace with her boyfriend, since a repentant person can instantly melt the heart of even the most impenetrable young man. But still, girls often wait for the first step from a young man because of their pride, fears or worries. How can a person in love make peace with her soulmate correctly?

If the quarrel is not very serious or arose out of nowhere, then the girl should not hide her frustration and just reach out to her lover. The young man will understand that for a girl their quarrel is no less painful and will certainly accept the outstretched hand, and there it is not far to embrace.
Next, you should just sincerely apologize and not allow any unnecessary words. If the atmosphere is still tense, then something needs to be changed in the situation. The simplest thing is to change the position of the body. If you were sitting, then stand up, if you were static, then walk. But the discussion of serious issues is better to postpone to another day.
But if the quarrel is more serious, and it even came to the end of communication, you need to take other measures.
A great way to reconcile is to write a letter. It is the letter, not the phone call, that will make your speech more discreet. Great love messages are not needed in this case. It is recommended that you write something simple but sincere. It will not be superfluous to indicate in your letter what you see as your fault. And, of course, ask for forgiveness.
If the young man responded favorably to the letter, then happiness to you. But if the young man remains adamant, then through friends it is worth finding out if he received the message. If the ethos happened, but he did not answer it, then the last resort is either a phone call or an unexpected visit. But after that, only two options for the development of the action are possible: either peace, or parting. But this is better than uncertainty in a relationship.