Henpecked - Is It Weakness Or Great Love

Henpecked - Is It Weakness Or Great Love
Henpecked - Is It Weakness Or Great Love

Many loving and caring mothers dream of raising a polite and obedient son. Someone who will always understand her, will help in difficult times and will never offend. If education reaches its goal, the boy becomes kind, sweet, compliant and caring. Perhaps, having married, he will turn into a "henpecked", but one should not argue that this is bad.

Henpecked is weakness or great love
Henpecked is weakness or great love

Henpecked - an obedient son and a caring husband

It happens that a son who is too attached to his mother, growing up, remains absolutely helpless in everyday affairs, does not know how to earn money, and physical labor is beyond his power. The wife usually blames the mother for this and even reproaches him with excessive love for her. However, it doesn't hurt to think: wouldn't she herself want the same attitude from her own son? It hurts so much when a son ignores his mother or, even worse, treats her rudely.

In fact, henpecked people tend to make very good husbands. After all, if a son loves and respects his mother, he will also respect his wife. Often he is ready to do whatever the woman wants from him. With him, you can build your family hearth and raise children without fear of betrayal or betrayal. He will become not only a wonderful husband and father, but also a faithful friend and helper. And there is absolutely no need to try to re-educate him, to mold him into a "real man." In fact, a man often turns into a henpecked, not only because he loves his mother, but also because he loves his wife very much. At the same time, his huge love is more than enough for two. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to move mountains and get a star from the sky.

Is henpecked happy

At the same time, many henpecked people, despite the ironic attitude of others, feel quite happy. The main thing is that the wife does not begin to abuse his feelings, depriving him of his own will and mocking him. A smart woman will always be tactful and appreciate what they do for her. By the way, most of her friends will envy her and secretly dream of such a life partner.

Perhaps someone will sympathize with the henpecked man, believing that he needs pity. In fact, this is far from the case. As a rule, he is completely happy and feels great "under the thumb" of his beloved woman. If this situation really becomes unbearable for him, he will most likely find an opportunity to break out of it. If love and mutual understanding reign in the family, it remains only to be glad for this happy couple.

Women often admire medieval knights who worshiped "beautiful ladies" and performed feats for their sake, and sigh that their age is long gone. But the history of chivalry began precisely with the "henpecked", ready to throw their lives at the feet of their beloved.
