People tend to deceive each other sometimes. Lying destroys trust, but guys and girls often take risks and commit treason towards a loved one.

What you need to pay attention to
Male lies are often accompanied by changes in the behavior of the stronger sex. If a person is hiding something from you, he begins to behave strangely. Pay attention to how your young man communicates with you, maybe he stopped looking you in the eyes, he began to undermine a lot.
If you have a rival, chances are your man will start dropping your phone calls when he's not around you. Perhaps, when he meets you, he will turn off the mobile phone or put a password on it. In addition, he will stop answering calls in front of you or will go to another room to answer someone. To check what caused this mysterious behavior, try accessing your lover's phone. If you don't have a password set on it, see your incoming, outgoing calls and messages. Maybe you can find some suspicious numbers there.
When a guy gets himself a mistress, he begins to devote less time to his soul mate, will come up with various important things or stay late at work. If your beloved told you that he is going out with his friend in the evening, you can simply call his friend and ask your beloved to answer the phone. The reaction of your interlocutor will show you if the friends are really together, or the guy has deceived you.
How else can you check the fact of deception
Pay attention to changes in your man's appearance. Maybe he has new things, and before he rarely made such purchases. some guys, when new love appears, begin to carefully monitor themselves. They visit gyms, visit the hairdresser more often, and always try to look neat and attractive. Men are ready to go to great lengths to seduce a woman. Talk to your boyfriend, maybe there are some excuses for this behavior. Just do not need to unconditionally believe everything that he tells you. Try to discern sincerity in his words, or, conversely, deception.
Some girls to check. whether their boyfriend is lying, they begin to ask about them from their mutual acquaintances, who, for sure, out of the kindness of their souls, will be able to share some important information.
The most desperate way to test the loyalty and honesty of a loved one is to establish surveillance. If finances allow you to do this, hire a private detective who can find out the truth and confirm the loyalty of your significant other or catch him in a lie.