A strange phenomenon that many have probably encountered: the feeling of love is greatly enhanced when loving people are apart. This is exactly the way by which you can understand and appreciate how dear to you a person and how much you love him.

Even the closest people: parents and children, brothers and sisters have their own personality and may be similar in appearance, but be different in character. What can you say about the person you love? Naturally, both of you are two separate, already established personalities, each of which has its own habits, attachments, hobbies.
In addition, any person is characterized by periodicity: recessions and rises in mood, physical activity and fatigue. All this complicates existence when two loving people are in constant contact, see and communicate with each other on a daily basis. Of course, this is happiness and joy, but there are periods when a person just needs to be alone, this is natural for the psychology of anyone.
Lovers may not have the same mood phases, so there is dissonance and irritation. When, for example, you want to be sad, you expect that your mood will be shared, and your loved one is not at all going to grieve with you. Such a difference in behavior leads to mutual misunderstanding - after all, he does not really like to see your frowning face. The result is resentment and quarrels, unwillingness to compromise. Of course, you will make up, but confess, there are times when this person seems to you completely alien, unworthy of your love.
It is quite another matter when a loved one is away, and he is not with you. In this case, you have no one even to demonstrate your bad mood, counting on sympathy, because wasting precious minutes of communication on the phone or on the Internet on such trifles is simply stupid. Everything frivolous is immediately forgotten, only a feeling of emptiness remains, which no one but him can fill.
And one more thing: the one who is not there is more difficult to control, you cannot be sure of his love as well as when he is next to you. An anxious feeling arises also because men are less emotional, and in his words alienation may seem to you. Being in a natural psychological dependence on a loved one, you begin to get bored, and your love manifests itself with renewed vigor.