Correct Communication Between Husband And Wife

Correct Communication Between Husband And Wife
Correct Communication Between Husband And Wife

The beginning of family life is associated with great changes in the lives of both spouses. A new stage of acquaintance begins - a closer one. And not every couple can withstand such an acquaintance. Usually they say "the love boat crashed against everyday life." But you can also avoid such a shipwreck if you try.

One smile is always better than a thousand compliments
One smile is always better than a thousand compliments

It has already been tested and proven that the brain works differently in women and men. Therefore, you cannot demand from another person the same perception of the world around you as you do. If you want to hear the opinion of your soul mate on some issue, then ask.

You should not expect an instant and detailed response from a man about a new dress. Just like a rare woman will discuss a football match on her own initiative. To avoid conflict in this case, a woman just needs to clarify her requirements. And be sure to voice them. For example: “It’s important for me to know if you like this dress”, “I bought a new dress, do you think it fits me well?”, “Does this color suit me, or should I exchange it for another?” etc. There can be many options. The main thing is to voice your desires to the man clearly and calmly. Believe me, he will gladly satisfy them.

The reason for the discord in the family can also be different views on how their life should be arranged. Different families have different lifestyles. And if one is used to wet cleaning the entire house every evening, and the other only once a week, then such a trifle can become a stumbling block. You need to take into account the habits of your other half. After all, what has been taking shape over the years cannot change in one day. But if you discuss everything calmly and in detail, without unnecessary emotions and accusations, then it is quite possible to agree. For example, you can agree that every day they just put the "cosmetic order" together, and once a week they arrange a general cleaning. There are a lot of options, everything is individual here.

No need to try to crush the other person for yourself. You cannot completely take and remake another person. And is it really necessary? Have you planned a life together with this particular person? So respect him! And everything will definitely work out! The main thing is, do not be silent, speak!
