What If Your Lover Has A Girlfriend? Ways To Get Rid Of A Rival

What If Your Lover Has A Girlfriend? Ways To Get Rid Of A Rival
What If Your Lover Has A Girlfriend? Ways To Get Rid Of A Rival

If you find out that the guy you like has a girlfriend or the groom has an affair on the side, do not rush to give up positions. You can try to take possession of his thoughts, make friends with a rival and find out her weaknesses, and then discredit in the eyes of a young man.

What if your lover has a girlfriend? Ways to get rid of a rival
What if your lover has a girlfriend? Ways to get rid of a rival

If you like a young man or man, but he has a girlfriend, think about the advisability of fighting such a rival. It is quite possible that it is worth finding a free person. But there are also situations when a love triangle arises and your husband / lover is actively attracted by another girl. You can step back and cry quietly on the sidelines, or find adequate methods of dealing with your opponent.

As they say, in love and in war, all means are good. First, make friends with your rival. But she should not know about your insidious plans. Position yourself in such a way that you are unaware of cheating. If this is the girlfriend of a guy you like, be casual and don't show that you like him.

Pay more attention to your appearance. Otherwise, a man may get carried away by someone else, while you spend all the time fighting with your rival.

Only close friends know each other's weaknesses. You have to find out her age, social and marital status, some character traits. Usually they share all the secrets with close friends. Then subtly hint to the man that his chosen one is behaving somehow ridiculous or looks strange in this new dress. Do not be afraid to let some sarcastic remark about your rival, as men listen very much to other people's opinions. But do not overdo it, otherwise your lover may suspect something. It is better to make fun of this manner of painting and dressing on some other example.

By the way, such a strategy can have the opposite effect. Seeing how your ideal "absorbs" every negative judgment about your girlfriend and does not mind, you just might be disappointed in him.

There is another option for eliminating a rival, more humane in relation to her. Becoming a friend of this girl, communicate with her more often and talk about the subject of your adoration. Try to convince her that this man is simply not worthy of her. Praise her external data. At a party, notice that "that nice guy is clearly interested in her." You can go further. If this is not your spouse's mistress, but just the girlfriend of the guy you like, find a replacement for him.

Try to introduce your rival to another man. It is possible that then you will be able to arrange your personal life.

Try to spend more time with your love object and your crush. Be more interested in the young man's hobbies. Let him know that you are very interested in him. It is possible that the man will like your interest and care. This can help if the rival is somewhat dismissive of her beloved and does not appreciate him.

By the way, some girls are not averse to resorting to the services of fortune-tellers and sorcerers in order to bewitch their beloved. But this is strongly discouraged. Each magical ritual sooner or later manifests itself directly opposite action. And there is a high probability that you will give the money to an ordinary charlatan.
