With the onset of cold weather, the main task for parents is to choose winter clothes for their child. How to dress a child in winter so that he is not cold and at the same time does not overheat in the winter season? There are several guidelines to help you with this daunting task.

First, before the walk, you need to dress yourself. This is to prevent the child from sweating while waiting for you. Otherwise, he may catch a cold. You need to prepare all the necessary clothes for the walk in advance. Change the diaper if necessary. It is best to wear a light knitted beacon or bodysuit on the child's naked body. Since this material promotes good heat transfer. Then put on a jumpsuit made of knitted fabric. The main thing is that it has fasteners on the front, and not on the back, this can cause discomfort to the child during a walk. In order to further choose the right clothes, you need to know the air temperature outside. It is not recommended to wrap up the child strongly. This can provoke overheating, which negatively affects the well-being of the baby. If it is not very cold outside, then it will be enough to put on winter outerwear on a knitted overalls. For a child who does not walk yet, it is better to use one-piece overalls.
Dressing your child correctly in winter is very important. Moreover, if the temperature outside is about -10 degrees. It will not be superfluous to wear a suit made of natural soft wool on a knitted jumpsuit. The main thing is that he does not inject. You need to put on socks on your feet, but so that they sit loosely enough. Put your hands in mittens with an inner cotton layer.
You must put on two hats on your head. The first should be thin, warm on top. The hat must necessarily fit snugly to the child's head, have ties, cover the ears and forehead.
Before a walk, it is advisable to feed the child with food rich in carbohydrates and fats.
Currently, there is a huge selection of children's winter clothing on the market from a wide variety of materials. The best, of which, are fluff, synthetic winterizer or isosoft. It is necessary to approach the choice of winter clothes for a child very responsibly so that it does not provoke negative effects on his health.
Due to the fact that winters in Russia are harsh and changeable, experts do not recommend going out with children under one year of age if the temperature outside is below -10 degrees. You can walk with older kids, but only a little and so that there is no very strong wind outside. A winter walk should not exceed 2.5 hours.
A child who is stationary during a walk, for example in a sled or stroller, freezes faster than one who is in motion, for example, running or playing. But, excessive activity is not beneficial, because the child grasps the icy air and sweats, and this, in turn, can provoke illness.
And yet, during a walk, it is imperative to monitor the temperature of the child's legs and arms. The first signs that he is cold are paleness and sleepiness.