It is difficult to meet a child who would not like to ride on a swing. To introduce your son or daughter to the feeling of flying, you can choose a home swing or an outdoor swing. This design should be not only as reliable as possible, but also safe and comfortable.

A swing for a baby is not only entertainment, but also a vestibular apparatus. In addition to pleasant emotions, the child will be able to significantly improve his health, develop coordination of movements. There are several types of swing, in order to purchase a device, you must take into account the characteristics of each category.
What kind of swing are
The most common, perhaps, options for a suspended swing. These are the simplest structures that can be mounted in the yard of a house or in an apartment. To install the product, you must use a crossbar or a strong branch of a growing tree. In a room, a hanging swing is usually hung in a doorway. This model is attractive for its cost, but it is more suitable for children over 4-5 years old.
Floor swings are more expensive than suspended ones, but they are also safer. This swing model is a stable structure with stands, the option is suitable for small children. And to ride comfortably, the swing can have a soft fabric or plastic seat. Most outdoor swings are foldable, there are models combined with slides, ladders, removable tables, etc.
The multifunctional swing is designed for babies from birth. They combine several devices - a highchair, an armchair. Transformers are usually adjustable in the height of the swing seat, they can have a battery. Such products are attractive for their functionality, but they are more suitable for children under 3 years old.
What to consider when choosing a children's swing
When buying a swing, you need to consider the quality of the seat. It must necessarily have a back and a crossbar for the child to hold on to. This is a kind of emphasis that protects children from falling.
When choosing a swing, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the weight of the child. It is desirable that the design has seat belts, for the smallest - soft five-point.
Pay attention to the reliability of the chair locks, and in the case of floor-standing versions, also the frame. The structure should not be too light to prevent overturning. An indispensable condition for buying a swing is a quality certificate - you need to make sure that the products are made from environmentally friendly materials.
It is most convenient if the swing with a soft chair has a removable cover. In this case, the fabric upholstery can be easily tidied up.