How To Understand That Contractions Have Begun

How To Understand That Contractions Have Begun
How To Understand That Contractions Have Begun

Contractions are a natural process in the body of a pregnant woman, which makes it clear to the expectant mother that the baby will soon be born. To understand how contractions begin, you should listen to individual feelings and know the main signs of such changes in the body.

How to understand that contractions have begun
How to understand that contractions have begun

Primary symptoms

You need to know that 3-5 weeks before childbirth, false contractions may appear, which are not as difficult to distinguish from real ones as it seems. For this, the nature of the pain and the frequency of uterine contraction should be analyzed. With false contractions, you will feel aching pains, a feeling of pressure and bloating, as well as a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Try taking a warm bath to relieve painful symptoms of false contractions. If such a procedure did not help, then this is a sign of real contractions, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

- pulling pain in the lower back and abdomen, increasing over time;

- discharge of the mucous plug 1-4 days before the contractions;

- brown discharge is possible;

- the time between contractions of the uterus decreases;

- leakage of amniotic fluid immediately before the onset of contractions.

When is it necessary to urgently go to the hospital?

Realizing that the contractions are not false, but real, you should immediately go to the hospital. Childbirth is a complex process that requires constant monitoring of both the condition of the mother and the child. Periodic repetitive contractions of the uterus, which become more frequent over 3-5 hours, are a sure sign of the onset of labor. Be patient, as your little one needs help and your resilience.
