It so happens that even yesterday you could not live a minute without this woman. No, you didn't even think about her, she was always present in your soul, you looked at the world as if with two pairs of eyes - yours and hers. But today something has happened - an emptiness has formed in the soul - it is no longer there. The mind refuses to understand that it has stopped loving, but the heart claims the opposite.

Step 1
Married couples who have lived together in love and harmony for more than a dozen years claim that the feeling of love is subject to fluctuations. Sometimes it weakens, so that after a while it will revive again and become even stronger. Therefore, take your time, perhaps you are going through just such a period and you just need to wait it out. Try to restrain yourself at this time and not show your girlfriend aloofness - take care of her.
Step 2
If you do not have a special desire to protect your partner's feelings, you don't care how she will react to your coldness, this is an alarming sign - love is gone. Together with her, the fear of losing your beloved goes away, this no longer scares you - you can well imagine your existence without her.
Step 3
An even more convincing sign will be annoyance. If yesterday you were still touched by her naivety, today you call it stupidity, yesterday's carelessness - extravagance and mismanagement, talkativeness - talkativeness. As if you saw her with completely different eyes, and in any of its manifestations, you do not like this person.
Step 4
Oddly enough, sex drive may still persist, but don't be fooled by that. At the level of instincts and sexual habits, a person is a rather inert and conservative creature. Reflexes of love may persist for some time, even if love itself is gone.
Step 5
The last sign will be an emotional desire for another person, a new hobby, even if it is still in love. If all these factors are present in you, then try to explain yourself and part with your yesterday beloved woman. Do not cut off a little every day, do not torture either her or yourself. Treat her honestly and like a man.