Alcohol And Pregnancy

Alcohol And Pregnancy
Alcohol And Pregnancy

Some babies are born with developmental disabilities due to their mothers drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Sometimes a child's physical development suffers so much that he can remain short for life (dwarf).

Alcohol and pregnancy
Alcohol and pregnancy

Ethyl alcohol very easily penetrates from the blood through the placenta to the fetus. It has a toxic and destructive effect on the baby. After drinking alcohol by the mother, the fetus's blood circulation slows down. Because of this, the child experiences oxygen starvation, which entails metabolic disorders.

During pregnancy, a woman's body is in physiological stress, and when drinking alcohol, her health is undermined even more. Which directly affects the development of the fetus.

It is especially dangerous to consume alcohol, even in small quantities, in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. May lead to malformation in the baby or miscarriage. Alcohol has a particularly detrimental effect on the formation of the fetal nervous system. Then the children start sitting, crawling, and walking late. They become restless, fearful, and tense.

Drinking mothers can have children with dropsy of the brain. Because of this disease, the skull of the newborn is enlarged, and the brain tissue gradually atrophies.

Any alcoholic beverages have a detrimental effect on the child during the entire pregnancy.
