How To Stop Parents From Yelling At A Child

How To Stop Parents From Yelling At A Child
How To Stop Parents From Yelling At A Child

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The child's behavior is sometimes unbearable. It seems to his parents that he deliberately pisses them off and makes them scream. However, this behavior is associated only with the peculiarities of the development of children. Parents need to stay calm in any situation, and there are many ways to do this.

How to stop parents from yelling at a child
How to stop parents from yelling at a child


Step 1

In order not to yell at the child, sometimes it is enough to just take a deep breath. If a child does not obey and does not do what his parents tell him, often there is a desire to scold him. At this point, you need to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. This method will help you calm down yourself, collect your thoughts and calmly consider further actions. Only then can you start communicating with your child.

Step 2

A common situation in which parents yell at their children is punishment for misbehavior. Parents often feel that if a child does something wrong, they should be punished and possibly yelled at. However, this is not at all the case. If a child makes a mistake, for example, beats his peer, there is no point in shouting and telling him not to do this. In order to prevent the child's voice from raising in such situations, it is necessary to try to calmly disassemble it. The subject of discussion should be a specific action, but not the child himself.

Step 3

Often parents themselves make a mistake when communicating with children, who subsequently make them yell at children. This happens if the parents speak to the child in a plaintive, pleading voice. Children rarely respond to such speech. It is necessary to speak in a soft, calm, but at the same time firm voice. The child will be forced to listen and do what he is told. This communication solves two problems. First, the child learns better what he is told. Secondly, parents feel that they are being listened to, the need to scream disappears by itself.

Step 4

It must be remembered that children, due to their age, do not know how to correctly express all their feelings. Therefore, yelling at them when they react to something in an unusual way is also meaningless. Instead, you should patiently teach them to explain and talk about their emotions and feelings.

Step 5

Empty threats also cause parents to raise their voices to their children. If the parents threaten the child to put him in a corner for disobedience, but at the same time do not fulfill their threats, nothing will change in the child's behavior. As a result, parents are forced to tell them over and over again about the inadmissibility of their actions, until they lose their temper and start screaming. You should not throw empty threats of punishment, they must be carried to the end.

Step 6

If there is a desire to yell at a child, you need to put yourself in his place. The child also has self-esteem and self-esteem. Surely parents will not like it if their boss constantly yells at them. It is necessary to treat the feelings of children in the same way, it is not necessary to make them ashamed or embarrassed.
