How To Stop Yelling At A Child

How To Stop Yelling At A Child
How To Stop Yelling At A Child

Table of contents:


Constant screaming cannot be regarded as an educational tool. Even if it seems to the parents that the child does not understand in a different way, and after you shout at him, he does everything as needed, you do not need to use this method often. Firstly, the baby is simply frightened and lost, so he acts as the parents want. Secondly, after screaming, the authority of mom and dad gradually fades away. There is no need to talk about trust in the family, conscious upbringing and understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships of their actions by the child.

How to stop yelling at a child
How to stop yelling at a child


Step 1

Fatigue can be one of the reasons why mothers yell at children. Therefore, it is important to monitor the energy level, rest on time, and correctly prioritize household chores. When there is a realization that it is more important not to wash the floor, but to devote time to the baby, when every opportunity is used for sleeping or just relaxing on the couch, and not for sitting on the Internet, then the mother feels more emotionally stable. At the same time, it is less likely to break off on a child.

Step 2

In addition to fatigue, the mood of parents can be negatively affected by their dissatisfaction with some sphere of life. For example, my mother is on maternity leave, is constantly annoyed by the uniformity of everyday life and because of this she is on the edge. The slightest offense of a child - and now they are shouting at him. Then mom will be ashamed of her breakdown, but at that moment she simply cannot resist. In such cases, it is important to have a hobby, an outlet, to find time for yourself. Then there will be less discontent.

Step 3

You don't need to treat your child like an adult. Excessive demands and high expectations can cause yelling at the baby. Be aware at every moment that the child is still small, he is just getting used to this world, be more indulgent. If you feel that you will break loose now, go to another room, take out your aggression on a pillow, for example. Or just turn away so that the baby does not see your angry face, and breathe deeply. Try to see yourself through the eyes of a child. Consider the difference in your height, strength and status, so you will simply feel sorry for the baby.
