Translated from Greek, the word "polygamy" means "multiple marriage." That is, polygamy is the presence of several marriage partners. In other words, polygamy or polyongamy.

If we consider the concept of polygamy not only from the point of view of human relationships, but in a broader sense, then polygamy is found in both animals and plants. Indeed, many species of animals are polygamous - dolphins, rabbits, bees and many others. In plants, polygamy is manifested in the presence of unisexual and bisexual flowers in the same species.
Male polygamy or polygamy
Historically, polygamy has developed as a system of protecting society from an excess of widows after a war or an unsuccessful hunt. It is clear that due to frequent wars and many other factors, men more often than women died violent deaths in their prime. In Islam, polygamy is also a kind of social guarantee that orphaned children will not be left without a breadwinner. After all, the brother of a deceased warrior was obliged to marry his widowed wife and take care of the children as if they were his own. A similar principle is used in Judaism, which prescribes polygamy in certain circumstances. By the way, although Jews are not prohibited by religion from having multiple wives, polygamy is still not very common among Jews.
Early Christianity also had nothing against polygamy: neither the Savior himself nor his Apostles called polygamy a sin. But with the spread of Christianity throughout Europe, the opinion about the sinfulness of polygamy was established in it.
In most countries in Europe, the Americas, Australia, polygamy is prohibited by law. But in many countries of Asia and Africa, mainly in Islamic states and third world countries, polygamy is not prohibited. The only limitation for a man who wants to marry several women is his material wealth. After all, numerous women and children must be supported!
In our country, despite the ban, there are still polygamous families. Basically, they are common among the Muslim population of Russia. In this case, the first becomes an officially registered wife, and all the rest live in a so-called civil marriage. For obvious reasons, polygamists do not seek to advertise their marital status.
Female polygamy or polyandry
The phenomenon of polyandry, although extremely rare, is found in the modern world. As a rule, polyandry takes place in the southern regions of India, in Nepal, in Tibet, in some tribes in Africa and South America, among the Eskimos and Aleuts.
The reason for the emergence of polyandry is the extremely disastrous state of society. The harsh climate, a small amount of land suitable for agriculture - all this makes us refuse to divide the property between the sons. Thus, the eldest son chooses his wife, but she becomes common to all brothers in the family. Or the wife is chosen by the parents in such a way that she is more or less suitable for all brothers.
In such families, children are considered the sons of all husbands, and all husbands treat all children as their own.