How To Cheer Up A Man

How To Cheer Up A Man
How To Cheer Up A Man

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For some reason, the beloved man is out of sorts ?! He answers your questions evasively or stubbornly keeps silent, or even suddenly gets angry. This is an unpleasant surprise for any woman. He loves her, he never hid anything from her. Here it is just right to either burst into tears, feeling sorry for yourself, undeservedly offended, or even fall into a very real depression: “Has it cooled down? Stop loving? Found another? And there it is a stone's throw to a major scandal or even a rupture.

How to cheer up a man
How to cheer up a man


Step 1

First of all, you need to understand that men experience their problems and failures in a completely different way than women. They (with rare exceptions) do not "cry" into a friend's waistcoat, but suffer in silence, as if inside themselves. Therefore, if you see that your beloved is clearly out of sorts, but does not want to be frank, do not insist. Let him calmly come to his senses, so to speak, "cool down." And then carefully, step by step, try to find out the reason for his bad mood. And under no circumstances say, “What nonsense! Because of this?" Moreover, don't laugh! From your point of view, his trouble may not be worth a damn, but for him it is akin to the end of the world.

Step 2

Smile. Tell him that you love him very much, that for you he is the very best in the world. After all, you are also pleased when he says the same pleasant words to you! Tell him that the problem will definitely be solved and not worth it for him to be so nervous. Feed him a delicious dinner (remember the wise words: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"?). Play his favorite music (only quietly). Even if he sits down to watch football, which you hate - humble yourself and keep silent! After all, he also suffers when you shed tears over the unfortunate heroine of the next series. And most importantly, this evening, at least, do not burden it with your problems and complaints. Even if you really want to complain about the vile neighbor (options: annoying mother-in-law, fool-boss, infection-girlfriend). Set it aside until a more appropriate time.

Step 3

If your loved one is still angry and gloomy. Remember that you are primarily a woman. Give him a romantic night! Not a single normal man can resist such and such a "consolation". And he will be sincerely grateful to you.
