Libra is a symbol of balance, because a person born under this zodiac sign always balances between good and evil. By nature, Libra people are friendly and modest, but they can suddenly switch to the dark side, become irritable and angry.

Step 1
Usually Libras are very nice people, they are not malignant, they do not like to offend others, they are always ready to help, therefore it is a pleasure to communicate and do business with them, but only until their dark side is shown. The transformation of a good Libra into an evil and capricious person is always surprising, but one must be prepared for this and not be offended, in the end, each has its own shortcomings. Soon, the attack of anger will pass, and you will again appear in front of you a charming personality that everyone would like to see in their friends.
Step 2
Libra is amazingly able to predict the future, therefore, firstly, do not try to deceive them, because they see what your words and actions will turn out to be, and secondly, use their foresight, listen to their advice and assessments of the situation, and then no troubles will take you by surprise.
Step 3
Just like between good and evil, Libra balances between passivity and activity: today such a person will enthusiastically drag you on a hike for tens of kilometers, another time it will be difficult to get him out for a short walk. Ebullient activity gives way to periods of complete apathy, if you want to have friendly relations with Libra, these differences must be taken into account.
Step 4
Libras, which perfectly analyze other people's actions, often point people to mistakes in a rude form, you do not need to be offended, they do not want to offend you, they want to help. Libra is a vindictive sign, so do not be surprised if you are reminded of some events from twenty years ago, so try to always think about what you can and cannot tell the Libra. These are not the kind of people who forget all grievances after 10 minutes.
Step 5
Libra is endowed with a keen sense of justice, therefore they expect honest direct deeds from people, try to trust their partners, so in their person you can find faithful allies for life, the main thing is not to disappoint them, since one mistake on your part can lead to the fact that Libra will put an end to you forever.