Swearing From Children's Lips

Swearing From Children's Lips
Swearing From Children's Lips

Until recently, your daughter was a funny baby who did not present any problems. And already today you notice with horror that she is wiping herself off with her sleeve, and she is trying to decorate her childish speech with some kind of curses … Whether the parents want it or not, and sooner or later the children will hear bad words somewhere (even if you protect them from this with all his might) And nothing can prevent a child from repeating the word he heard - a curse, even without understanding its meaning.

Swearing from children's lips
Swearing from children's lips

Parental reaction

Try to convey to the child in time the idea that it is very indecent and unacceptable to use swear words. Tell your child that there are words of rescuers in the world, words of doctors that bring peace and joy, but there are also black, bad words, robbers who offend people and cause pain. If someone swears in the presence of your child, then explain to him that this person is bad, not well-mannered and hardly people respect him.

Very often adults, having heard indecent statements from their children, begin to laugh, which makes children want to repeat the curses again, and thus make others laugh again. However, it would be more correct not to disorient the baby: if he says a word that you can laugh at in the family circle, in transport or in a store, then the reaction on your part may be completely different.

Quite often, children turn to their parents with requests to explain the meaning of certain words. In such a situation, you should not find out where he heard it and who said it. Firmly, but with goodwill, tell the baby that you don't want to hear such words from him anymore. Usually children obey and in your presence they will be afraid to repeat swearing.

A little memo for parents

Children say curses without understanding their meaning, and therefore they absolutely do not care where to pronounce them aloud. Punishing, shaming, or scolding a child is not wise at all. For him, such words are a simple combination of letters, which differ little from all other word combinations and phrases.

Of course, you can wait for the expletive word to be forgotten by itself, but you should not rely too much on such an alignment. Be very careful with your own words: children should not be prohibited from speaking the words that his parents say. Read more to the kid, this will well replenish his vocabulary, teach him how to look for a replacement for ordinary expressions and words.
