How To Raise Modern Children

How To Raise Modern Children
How To Raise Modern Children

As a child, we often heard from our parents: "… in our time everything was different …". Years go by and now we ourselves say so to our children. And this is absolutely true - times are changing, but for the full development of each child, you always need to remember the basics of upbringing.

How to raise modern children
How to raise modern children

The childhood of modern children is very different from that of their parents. They walk less, spend more time with the ubiquitous "gadgets".

But, no one canceled the sleep regimen, healthy eating and walking for at least one hour a day. This is the foundation of children's health. You need to go to bed at the same time, phones and tablets in bed should not be, however, as well as at the dinner table, too.

We all understand that no digital technology achievement can replace children with communication with their parents. But, it's so convenient - to entertain a child with equipment in a car, in a store, in a hospital … isn't it? However, is it really necessary for the child himself, after all, it is obvious that full-fledged development is possible only when children grow up in society, and not in a virtual dimension.

Try to start family traditions: joint dinners, board games on weekends, walks with the whole family. All this develops children and brings together all family members.

It is important to understand that a parent is not a friend, it is, first of all, a mentor, educator. Therefore, it is mom and dad who must establish reasonable boundaries of what can and cannot.

Let the child have his own household duties, so he will understand what can be useful for others, he will be responsible for what.

Talk to your child, share your experiences and be sure to listen to everything he wants to tell you. Hug and smile at the children often. So establish an emotional connection between you and your daughter (son) to learn how to communicate with other people.

To make the child grow up independent, teach him how to behave in different life situations: what to do if he forgot his shift to school, did not write down his homework, found himself without an umbrella in the rain, etc.

An adult is a role model for a child, so there is no need for children to see how parents are constantly “sitting on the phone” or at the computer. Prohibit the child with a tablet without mentally, if mom and dad themselves do not let go of it.

Often, in order to "tear" a child away from gadgets, parents try to take his time as much as possible with all kinds of circles, sections. It turns out that the child has no free time at all, and this is not correct. And, by the way, there is a nuance here - the time should be free from school and from classes and from phones with tablets too. Free time is needed for creativity, active games, walks and communication.

By the way, there is a great alternative to uncontrolled and aimless pastime at the computer - a computer school. So the child will receive useful information in a dosed manner and understand that this is not only entertainment, but also study, and in the future it may become his profession.

In any case, everything is fine in moderation and you need to remember that nature in children is laid down the need for not just communication with adults, but parenting, and this involves a certain amount of time and effort.
