Raising children without screaming, swearing, threats is what, perhaps, every mother wants to learn. When forming a child's personality, parents will need attention and the use of certain methods.

Parents who have chosen the path of punishment sooner or later face a lot of difficulties. However, it should be understood that the absence of punishment does not at all mean that everything is allowed to the child.
In order to educate loyally, it is important to follow the basic principles that will definitely bear fruit:
- Patience. This is a difficult path, but everyone must go through it.
- Love in spite of. Of course, it is easier to shout and punish than to understand the reasons for a bad mood and behavior. In this scenario, you can see the selfishness of adults who, by infringing on the child, make their life easier.
- Adoption. You need to accept your baby with all its features. It is also important for the child to have a sense of his own need.
- Attention. Its lack also breeds disobedience. You can solve problems with the help of a game, transferring the situation to images and characters that are more understandable for children. Walk with children more often, talk, ask their opinion.
- Personality recognition. Even a very young child has his own opinion, feelings that should not be neglected. This can negatively affect the individual.
- Emphasis on personal example. It is worth following the established rules with the whole family. It is difficult to achieve, for example, that a child does not lie if he sees it in his home.
- Do without pressure. Excessive exposure generates resistance. If a constant atmosphere of pressure is created, the child will try to get rid of it.
- Subsequence. It should be understood that if today the conditions are announced, and tomorrow they are violated, then the baby will simply get confused or decide that it is still possible to violate.
- Promotion. Children do not remember punishments for a long time, but they strive for encouragement with great eagerness. You can use this for good purposes.
- Development. Parents should constantly strive for personal growth, be interesting for the child.
You need to understand that disobedience is a peculiar way of self-expression in the absence of freedom. The difficult periods of 3 years and transitional age will be especially significant. Gradually add personal space to the child, rather than responsibilities and reproaches.
The correct approach to raising children and to their own life will help to ensure that the child will be happy in the family. Remember, whatever we do, children will be like us.