One of the important components of a family is the appearance of children. From this point on, parents have a lot of new responsibilities and hassles. The task of raising children also falls on their shoulders.

Make respect for your child's personality at the core of your child's upbringing. From a young age, he has the right to express his opinion on general family issues. Even if you have to do something your own way, explain to your child exactly what he is wrong about. So he will learn that he should reckon with the opinions of others. At the same time, he will understand that he is being heard.
When communicating with your child, try to choose a position “next to”, not “above” or “below” the child. This will help you avoid things like selfishness and dictatorship. The “next to” position will allow the child to understand that parents are partners, and not just adults who impose their opinions.
In education, take into account the crisis periods of the development of children. This will make it easier for you to build a relationship with them.
Never compare your child with the child of acquaintances or friends. Children are initially all different, respectively, they have different abilities, skills, temperament, etc. You cannot apply one measure to everyone, otherwise your child may develop inferiority complexes.
It is allowed to compare the child's successes - today with those obtained earlier. So you can see the dynamics of its development in one direction or another.
If you have two or more children, treat them equally. Distribute your attention and love equally. This way, children will not harbor resentment against a brother or sister, who can later play a bad role in their relationship.
A responsibility
Being a parent is a responsible business. Having approved certain rules of conduct in the house, require them to be followed from children. At the same time, the requirements for babies should be the same for all family members. Otherwise, children will learn to lie and maneuver between adults.
When demanding something from the child, fulfill this demand yourself. So you will set a personal example for the child that both adults and children must obey the rules.
Remember that until the child reaches the age of majority, you are responsible for his actions. When raising a son or daughter, try to make them learn the rules of behavior and norms of the society in which you live.
Give the child freedom in certain matters, while imperceptibly controlling the process. This will help develop his independence and responsibility. In addition, it will be easier for him to adapt to further independent life.
Monitor the health of your children, teach them basic knowledge of self-preservation. Try to teach them first aid skills. This knowledge can be invaluable in certain situations.