How To Analyze A Child's Drawings - A Child Draws A Family

How To Analyze A Child's Drawings - A Child Draws A Family
How To Analyze A Child's Drawings - A Child Draws A Family

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Sometimes children see more than us adults. So it is with family relationships - according to the child's drawing, you can understand not only the balance of power in your family, but also see all the problem points in the relationship. Seeing how the child draws your family, do not interfere with the process, just observe from the side. Pay special attention to the order in which household members appear on the sheet. When the drawing is ready, ask the child to name everyone who is depicted on the paper, and proceed with the analysis.

How to analyze a child's drawings - a child draws a family
How to analyze a child's drawings - a child draws a family


Step 1

The order of appearance of family members in the figure shows the attitude of the baby towards them. The first to draw is the most beloved or most significant person in the family. If a young artist forgot to draw someone, then they have a rather complicated relationship with this family member. If a child draws himself in the center of the sheet, then he feels confident in the family, feels love and support. If he sees himself somewhere on the sidelines or does not depict himself in the picture at all, then he feels very lonely. If the drawing, which is a group photograph of the family, does not depict any of the family members, be sure to ask the child why. This is a reason to think.

Step 2

The size of the picture can tell about the degree of closeness of the child and this family member. The larger and higher the figure, the more significant and authoritative this person is for the baby. The smaller the figure of the artist himself in the family portrait, the greater the child's feeling of rejection, uselessness. And, on the contrary, spoiled children can hardly fit their gigantic image on the sheet.

Step 3

When there is peace and harmony in the family, all family members in the picture stand close to each other. The closeness, attachment of the child himself to one of the parents in life, is transferred to the drawing. The object placed between the depicted family members symbolizes the psychological barriers in their relationships in life.

Step 4

Well-defined facial features mean love and weight of a person for a child. If the artist has highlighted his face in any way, this may speak of selfishness. Although for children under 4 years old, this is usually typical and is not considered a deviation from the norm. If one of the parents does not have a proportionally large mouth, then perhaps he makes a lot of comments to the child. If there is no mouth, or it is very small, then this person hides his feelings in himself. Teeth speak of the aggressiveness of this person, large eyes mean fear, small ones - secrecy. Long arms or their absence means the psychological pressure exerted by this person on the child. Children draw short arms to weak people. The image of oneself with arms raised up is a sign of a lack of attention to the child in the family.

Step 5

Colors also mean a lot in children's drawings. Warm colors go to what the child loves. He will paint his special affection with a bright, juicy color. Blue clothes in the picture mean a feeling of comfort next to this person in life, green - special significance and respect. Yellow speaks of impulsiveness and activity, red - about authority and aggression, and black - about moral rejection of a relative.
