Sometimes parents do not think at all that the mood and peace of mind of a child can be determined by his drawings. The color scheme, plot, color saturation can tell a lot about the well-being and attitude of the baby to the world around him.

Step 1
The greatest amount of information is given by the color scale of the picture. A large amount of research has been devoted to this area of child psychology. It was found that kids who choose black, gray, brown colors for drawing are prone to depression or are in a depressed state. This can sometimes be an indicator of anxiety or low self-esteem in the child. Therefore, if dark shades prevail in the crumbs' drawings, you should pay attention to his state of mind.
Step 2
If red colors prevail in your child's drawings, then perhaps he is irritated by something, his nervous system is in a state of tension. Sometimes this can be due to a lack of emotional release.
Step 3
The choice of a child in favor of blue, dark blue and purple shades indicates that he is most likely in a bad mood or he is too sensitive about the events taking place around him, perhaps the baby is worried about something. In this case, you need to find out from the child the cause of the anxiety, as well as support him. Sometimes pastel shades of the pattern can indicate the anxiety of the baby.
Step 4
It is worth thinking about the child's condition if the choice of the same colors is repeated systematically. If your kid used red paint today and black paint tomorrow, do not be upset, because children are big fans of experiments, especially when it comes to creativity.
Step 5
Not only the color scheme of the picture, but also the plot depicted on it can give a child's attitude to the world around him. If all characters (parents, brothers, sisters, animals) are made in the same color or have the same size, then this indicates the same attitude of the child towards them. If one of them stands out against the general background, for example, too large, then this character is especially significant for the baby. And vice versa, the small character depicted in the corner of the drawing, or the absence of any family member, suggests that the participation of this person in the child's life is not noticeable.