If in the initial period of falling in love, the brightness of emotions, feelings does not allow you to soberly evaluate your partner, then then you begin to see not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Relationships run the risk of ending into a routine, and then completely disintegrate. How to maintain interest in each other, not to disappoint your loved one?

Step 1
Don't forget the old faithful flirting. During the period of acquaintance, you resorted to it to arouse the interest of a counterpart. But even further coquetry, flirting will do a good job, help your beloved not to be distracted from your charms. Do not give up on little female tricks from now on. You will soon find that eye-shooting or capriciously pouting lips are just as effective as before.
Step 2
Only a self-confident person can count on equal partnerships, arouses a reciprocal interest in his person. Remember the pluses of your nature and delicately remind your dear friend of them. Men know how to recognize an expensive thing. Present yourself to him as such a precious gift and invite him to appreciate your unique personality.
Step 3
Try to be attractive in any situation. It is better to hide an old familiar dressing gown away. Get a more erotic outfit. A silk peignoir for meetings in an intimate setting or a seductive evening dress with a teasing neckline will make you sexier and more attractive.
Step 4
Express sympathy for your loved one more often. Show interest in his life, become an attentive interlocutor and listener - and it will be difficult for him to get along without you. But be sure to listen to his desires.
Step 5
Ease of communication, simplicity and clarity of nature are the most valuable qualities for a good relationship. They are especially attractive to the opposite sex. And also a sense of humor. If the clouds begin to thicken, the situation threatens to escalate into a conflict, a well-spoken joke with a share of healthy self-irony will help defuse the situation.
Step 6
Smile often, be casual and natural. Just be a happy and cheerful person. Trust that you are the most charming and attractive woman in the world. And you will never disappoint your dear friend.