How Not To Disappoint A Guy

How Not To Disappoint A Guy
How Not To Disappoint A Guy

Table of contents:


The relationship between a man and a woman is a very complex and confusing area. To achieve complete happiness and harmony, it is not enough to run to the registry office as quickly as possible. The main thing to start with is to try not to disappoint your boyfriend and not be disappointed in your choice yourself.

How not to disappoint a guy
How not to disappoint a guy


Step 1

Take care of your appearance. There is no doubt that men like completely different girls: plump and skinny, blondes, brunettes and fiery redheads, homely quiet and beasts of club parties. But few men will like a girl who does not care about her appearance, that is, unkempt. A measure is also important here: try not to overdo it with a vertical solarium, blonde curls and pink things. According to statistics, guys prefer cheerful and … modest ones.

Step 2

If you haven't smoked before meeting your boyfriend, you shouldn't do this after. Smoking is annoying, looks vulgar, and besides, it is dangerous to health and economically unprofitable. The same goes for alcohol. Do not rush to demonstrate the role of "secular alcoholic" on the very first evening of acquaintance. Read the previous paragraph on modesty carefully.

Step 3

You should not pose as a star, especially if your appearance does not correspond to the status of stardom, and demand offerings on the altar in the form of regular gifts and flower bouquets. In this case, you run the risk of being branded as a banal soulless consumer.

Step 4

Do not rush to immediately introduce the guy to his mother and all your girlfriends. And also do not spread too much about the details of your relationship in a circle of mutual acquaintances. The top "irritants" also include a frequently occurring female hobby - chatting with girlfriends on the phone.

Step 5

Never tell your boyfriend about your ex. Firstly, because all guys are very good at counting - this is genetically inherent in them. And if he doesn't have enough fingers on two hands to compile your list of items of love affairs, most likely you will not see him again. And secondly, because every man, one way or another, considers himself one and only one of his kind, and your stories about predecessors are unpleasant to him. The moments of disappointment are not limited to this list - only the main ones are given. Try to become better for the sake of your man, because if he chose you, then you deserve it.
