An interesting person always attracts attention and makes you want to communicate. However, not everyone can boast of quick-wittedness, wit and a great sense of humor. In order not to seem boring to a guy, you need to be confident in yourself and in your charm.

Step 1
Don't be afraid to sound boring. If you are not sure that you can interest a person with your persona, you will have much less chance of doing so. The freer you feel during communication, the more pleasant it will be for the young man to spend time with you.
Step 2
Don't answer standard questions with standard answers. It is this tone that makes the conversation boring and uninteresting. Of course, a lot here depends on your interlocutor. If he asks you about family, education and hobbies, do not rush to list all your personal data. Move away from the accepted framework, try to make your answer interesting. Instead of listing your hobbies, tell a funny story that happened while doing what you love. This way you will answer the question at the same time and will definitely not seem boring to your friend.
Step 3
Joke and laugh more. Smiling creates a relaxed and light atmosphere in which it will be much easier for you to relax and show your best side. If there is a pause in your conversation and you don't know what to say, just joke. This will defuse the atmosphere and you will be able to continue a pleasant conversation.
Step 4
Flirt with the young man. If you are afraid to say an extra word, the guy may find you overly shy, but if you let him know several times that you care about him, then he will definitely not be able to call you boring. However, do not be too zealous, otherwise your interlocutor may think that you are too persistent, which may also not like him.
Step 5
Be yourself. Don't step over yourself and try to seem fun and interesting. If this is not you, then what is the use of all these masks for? The person who really wants to be with you will never find you boring or uninteresting.