It is unpleasant to realize that your beloved man has lost interest in you, especially if he speaks about it in plain text. To avoid this, it is important to adhere to certain recommendations.

Step 1
Change your appearance and behavior. Feel free to experiment with hair color, dress style, and even hobbies. Learn to transform from a passionate mistress into a cozy hostess with aromatic borscht. From a cold unapproachable queen to a little admiring princess. The main thing is not to change too quickly and do not step over your own desires in pursuit of the result, otherwise your changes will look feigned and unnatural.
Step 2
Develop constantly. If you have a higher education, this is, of course, good, but you shouldn't stop there. Read interesting books, track world news, learn foreign languages and so on.
Step 3
Show interest in a man's affairs, his achievements, ask about the people with whom he works, about projects. Learn to maintain a conversation. Men really like it.
Step 4
Be creative with your sex. Even if you flashed your knowledge of the second echelon of stocks at breakfast, at dinner you asked about his affairs, but you show no interest in sex - your man will quickly get tired of it. Come up with something new, do not be ashamed of your body, constantly surprise your partner. Then you will be interesting to him not only as a pleasant companion, but also as a desired lover.
Step 5
Be well groomed and athletic. Men love beautiful women. Watch your appearance, weight and manners.
Step 6
Fall in love with his hobbies and social circle. You do not have to be completely absorbed in a man, but it is simply necessary to fall in love with a couple of his interests and find a common language with several of his friends. It is important that you have some kind of rest in common, otherwise everyone will live their own life.
Step 7
Do not become isolated on your partner, do not dissolve in him without a trace. So you will lose yourself and become faceless and uninteresting. Better be an elusive, passionate, very busy and attractive woman, and then the man will not be bored with you.