Sex toys allow you to diversify your sex life. But it is important not only to have fun, but also to stay healthy. With inept use or the purchase of low-quality things, many problems can arise. To avoid their appearance, you need to know a few simple rules.

How to choose a vibrator
Going to a sex shop, do not save. Toys made in third world countries do not always meet the required standards, although they are inexpensive. Substandard materials, lack of certificates are opportunities to harm yourself. After all, the toy will come into contact with delicate areas of the skin, so you should think about this in advance.
The packaging of a sex toy must state that it has passed a safety study. In this case, there should be instructions, composition in Russian. This is a mandatory requirement for all products sold in Russia.
Use of vibrators should start with cleaning. You need to wash the toy with special solutions before use. You can buy the product in a sex shop or simply in a pharmacy, for example, Miramistin is perfect. It will destroy bacteria that have entered the surface of the product. Also, the treatment will need to be carried out after each application so that the discharge does not accumulate on the surface.
The use of any sex toys is recommended with special lubricants. Lubricants are different: gel, water-based, oil. If you forget about them, then injuries are possible, which will cause a lot of trouble. A smooth introduction is very important to enjoyment.
When a vibrator can be dangerous
Multiple use of the vibrator is not recommended. High-quality processing helps to reduce the risk of transmitting infections, but it is better if such an intimate object is used by one person.
You cannot use a vibrator for anal and vaginal stimulation at the same time. The intestinal microflora contains many bacteria, if they enter the vagina, dysbiosis, candidiasis or other diseases may occur. Clean the item after each use. If you want to alternate, use a condom.
If the vibrator is stored in a dusty place, if used inappropriately and not washed, it can become hazardous. The dirt that forms in the folds is a medium for the development of various microbes. If they come into contact with mucous membranes, they can cause inflammation or infection.
Each toy has its own lifespan. Vibrator materials are not permanent. Be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging, and after its expiration, do not use the device. Also, do not experiment if the surface suddenly begins to change. Rubber, plastic and other materials lose their properties over time. The smell can also indicate that it is time to throw out the toy. If you suddenly have an unpleasant odor, you should no longer use the sex toy for its intended purpose.