Horses are beautiful and noble animals, each with its own character. But before you saddle it, put the saddle and bridle on it. It is not difficult to do this (even beginners on the second day of communication with an animal usually cope with the task), but the process has its own subtleties.

horse, bridle, saddle cloth, saddle cloth, saddle, bib
Step 1
First of all, don't be afraid of the animal - it senses it. Approach the horse confidently and calmly do all the manipulations.
Step 2
Put on the bridle first. At the same time, take the animal tightly by the muzzle, insert the bit (into the animal's mouth) and put the bridle on the ears with clear, neat movements. Horses' ears are a very sensitive place, and therefore do it quickly, trying not to hurt the animal.
Step 3
Now place the saddle cloth. This is a small rectangular piece of fabric, the task of which is to protect the animal's back from contact with the saddle cloth (a product made of felt that absorbs horse sweat and softens the pressure from the saddle).
Step 4
Place the saddle cloth after the saddle cloth. Position it so that it protrudes about 3 centimeters from under the saddle.
Step 5
Next, place the seat itself. The front girth strap should be at the level of the horse's waist. Inside the seat there are cushions that protect the animal's spine from excessive stress.
Step 6
Fasten the girth straps. This is a piece made of braid, the purpose of which is to secure the seat in such a way that it does not dangle from side to side. Start with the front girth. Fasten it tightly enough without squeezing the skin of the animal. The back girth may be looser, but not too loose, that is, not to dangle, otherwise the saddle may begin to slide out.
Step 7
The back and front girths are connected by a strap, which is also fastened.
Step 8
Now strap on your bib. Its function is also to secure the saddle.
Step 9
Remember to adjust the length of the stirrup (stirrup piece) to match the length of your shin.