The Simplest Fancy Dress For Kids

The Simplest Fancy Dress For Kids
The Simplest Fancy Dress For Kids

If your child informs late at night that they need to make a fancy dress by tomorrow morning, do not pull their hair out. You can make a simple, but very beautiful and unusual outfit in just a couple of hours.

The simplest fancy dress for kids
The simplest fancy dress for kids

Just a few decades ago, mothers and grandmothers sat for weeks at a sewing machine, making luxurious fancy dress for their children. Modern parents just go to the store and buy an outfit for a New Year's party or masquerade. Its cost is low, but it is not worth talking about exclusivity with this approach. But if you spend a few hours on creativity, then from old things of mom or dad, bright tinsel and a wig, you can get a unique fancy dress, and for free.

What is needed

To create a New Year's fancy dress, you will need simple materials that were once a pity to throw away, and which many have stored in the mezzanine or in the closet.

· Burlap - it is easy to paint it with any colors; you can make chain mail, camisole, “brocade” dress, and even fabulous shoes from it.

· Vata - imitates white fur, fluffy snow, it can be placed under a suit to modify the figure.

· Needed to create wings, masks, crinoline, antennae, tails, feathers and much more.

· With a fleecy surface can be used as a wig, from which you can make algae, animal hair.

· Suitable for finishing a fancy dress.

Simple Fancy Dress Costumes

If you only have a couple of hours to make a suit, then you shouldn't tackle complicated outfits. Remember that a masquerade is a fun celebration, and you can just hint at a certain image.

To create this image, it is enough to sew a red panama hat and give the girl a basket of pies or buns in her hands. By the way, she will be able to treat her friends with them at the matinee.

You will need black clothes and a lot of elastic bandage or regular toilet paper. The outfit is made out directly on the "model", before entering the hall where the holiday will take place.

We take Dad's old vest, tear it in several places (collar, sleeves), supplement it with an artificially aged camisole (worn sleeveless jacket) and a hat. In addition, you will need a light make-up - well-defined eyes.

This is perhaps the simplest fancy dress. The main attributes of a cowboy are pointed boots or shoes, jeans, a checked shirt, a wide belt, a holster with a pistol, a fringed vest, a wide-brimmed hat and a scarf. A holster and a hat can be made in a couple of hours from cardboard and leatherette pieces.

You need a long shirt of red or white color, a wide cloth belt, boots, helmet, shield, sword, chain mail. Boots and chain mail can be sewn from burlap, helmet and shield can be made from cardboard and foil.

In order for the image to be recognizable, explain to the child how he should behave, tell him the story of his “hero”, learn a short poem “on the topic”.

Express outfits

In conditions of an acute shortage of time, you can make a simple costume with an owl, for example, a raspberry or a herringbone. For raspberries, you need a lot of red balloons, double-sided tape. We inflate the balls, connect with adhesive tape, forming a ball with holes for the arms and neck. We put on a green cap or hat on our head. That's it - the raspberry is ready!

With a herringbone suit, things are even easier! We decorate green clothes with tinsel, rain, sweets or just balls from candy wrappers. On the face of the "model" you can draw a watch dial or make the inscription "Happy New Year".

You need to make a fancy dress with your child. And even better - with the whole family. This activity will bring a lot of joy and an unforgettable experience for the whole year.
