Different men may have different ideas about what an ideal wife should be. However, there are certain qualities that are especially appreciated in the fair sex.

Step 1
Some young people expect that the spouse will look after the house, cook and solve some domestic issues. Therefore, in future wives, such a quality as thrift is appreciated. Sometimes marriages are destroyed due to the harsh life, when neither of the spouses wants to be engaged in maintaining the hearth. This does not mean that a girl should play the role of a housekeeper, but it is desirable that she knows how to organize a house, what matters to entrust her spouse, how to cook a particular dish and know how to manage money.
Step 2
Remember that marriage is built not only on love and passion, but also on mutual respect. A girl who wants to get married should know that a standing man is unlikely to endure an evil, hysterical, capricious person next to him for a long time. The ideal wife is distinguished by kindness, understanding, easy character, ability to control herself. It is pleasant and comfortable to live with such a girl.
Step 3
The ideal wife should be a self-sufficient woman. A representative of the fair sex, who does not have her own opinion, completely dissolves in her beloved man, and over time can irritate him. That girl who has her own life position, hobbies, personal life can count on respect from her spouse.
Step 4
Some men believe that a spouse does not have to be beautiful. But she must have taste, her own style and well-groomed appearance. Moreover, this should manifest itself not only when a woman goes to work or to visit. At home, a man is also pleased to see his spouse with styling, light makeup and beautiful clothes, and not in a washed dressing gown and curlers
Step 5
Ideally, the spouse should share some principles, the interests of her man. A common hobby, a similar worldview and similar plans for the future bring people closer together, make their marriage stronger and happier. If a husband and wife have a joint hobby, they spend more time together, they always know what to talk about, and understand each other better. Although complete opposites attract, they can not hold together for long, since nothing really unites them.
Step 6
Don't forget about the intimate side of marriage. Sexual harmony is very important. Some men believe that the ideal wife will be the woman who feels relaxed in bed, knows her body and is not ashamed of it. And she should also strive not only to get satisfaction, but also to please her spouse. Young people appreciate in girls the ability to properly show their sexuality and their willingness to discuss intimate issues with their partner.