Many men are naturally polygamous. This is manifested in the fact that a man experiences the same feeling of love for several women. In the east, this problem is solved with the help of polygamy. We don't have that. Therefore, in order to create a long-term relationship with a woman, to start a family, one must learn to be monogamous.

Step 1
Analyze your behavior. Find reasons why you have equally deep feelings for multiple women. Perhaps the reason for this is not a natural inclination, but a necessity. In other words, one girl can only be liked externally, another - as a wonderful companion and personal psychologist, and in the third, her outstanding personal qualities can admire. In this case, look for a girl who can give everything you need.
Step 2
Think how strong love feelings are for every woman, are they real? Assess your willingness to sacrifice for one girl your relationship with everyone else. Monogamous people are those who are able to take possession of a very valuable object for themselves, to experience very strong love feelings for it. If, having fallen in love with one, a person runs to others, then relationships and marriage will always be in danger.
Step 3
From a purely practical point of view, try to assess the benefits of having a relationship with only one girl. This is not only a financial benefit, not only the absence of the need to spend money on several women. This is a savings in personal time that can be spent building strong and sturdy with just one. And she, quite possibly, will be able to replace everyone else. This is a saving of mental strength. When meeting with several girls, lies and lies that will lead to conflicts cannot be avoided. This means that a relationship with only one girl is also a saving of nerves.
Step 4
Please note that many people who have crossed the bar of social maturity become monogamous. For them, sexual adventures, and in general, sex fades into the background or third place in the system of life values. Together with social maturity come such qualities as moral stability, decency, life wisdom, kindness, reasonably conservative outlook on things. Men with such qualities will not assert themselves, cheating with all the beautiful women around.
Step 5
There are opinions that they become monogamous because of the uncertainty that they will be able to conquer another woman, except for one. Due to the lack of confidence in their sexual powers: with a wife it is calmer and failures in bed are not so scary. There is an opinion that a real man should "make happy" as many women as possible. These are misconceptions introduced into our society along with the sexual revolution that came to us from the West. In the Western countries themselves, they have already understood the fallacy of these ideas and have embarked on a course of promoting "one partner for life."