How To Be Sure Whether To Give Birth Or Not

How To Be Sure Whether To Give Birth Or Not
How To Be Sure Whether To Give Birth Or Not

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If a woman believes that it is time to become a mother, then the main decision has already been made. It remains only to resolve your doubts about the right time and think about what, in principle, can give confidence in readiness for such an event as the birth of a child.

How to be sure whether to give birth or not
How to be sure whether to give birth or not


Step 1

Consider also the factors to consider from a common sense perspective. First, the consent of the alleged father of the child. Cheating can lead to the end of a relationship. The worst thing in this scenario is not the lack of support from the partner in life's problems, but the fact that the child may not have a good example of how a man should behave, how a trusting relationship should develop between spouses. In addition, it is natural for every child to have two closest people. You can't rob a little person by making a decision for him. And on the contrary, the common desire of future mothers and fathers to have a child unites the couple, as a common very important matter. So advice (as consent) and love is not for nothing that they wish couples at weddings. It is much easier for a woman when the responsibility is divided into two.

Step 2

Secondly, to be sure, you need to be sure that her own professional knowledge and skills will be able to provide her and the child with a minimum for at least a good life. Moreover, the same partner data is not so important, because the statistics of divorce, single mothers and male mortality make a thinking woman anxious. If you lack education or experience to be sure, it is better to wait until the birth of a child so as not to depend on the vicissitudes of fate.

Step 3

Thirdly, to be sure, you need the support of the near and distant environment in this decision. And the more good friends and girlfriends there are, the better. They can come to the rescue, for example - a friend will sit with the child once a week. And another friend will sit another day while my mother goes to some professional courses in case of such a need. Girlfriends with children will be especially helpful, they are an invaluable source of advice and the strongest support group for a budding mom.

Step 4

Each woman has her own values and her own list of necessary conditions for confidence depends on them. The main thing is not to deceive yourself, not to be afraid of your desires, not to hope for "maybe". And then you will successfully implement the Child project. Maybe even more than two such projects. Then the conditions of the problem will become more complicated. But isn't the meaning of life in the consistent solution of increasingly difficult problems?
