It's no secret that every person on earth is unique and inimitable. Initially, a child is born with a set of inherent character traits, talents, abilities, life tasks. How his future fate will turn out and what kind of person he will become depends largely on him. However, the role of parents as early mentors is also great.

One of the responsibilities of parents is to create favorable conditions for the harmonious development of their child. Here, of course, we mean not only the material side of being. The abundance of educational toys and activities will not replace the child's parental tenderness, affection, care, attention and love.
Here are some tips for loving parents looking to raise a harmonious, talented personality.
Council number 1. Be attentive to your child, more watch his actions. What does he reach for, what causes him the greatest interest and joy, what can he do for a long time without getting tired? Encourage the independent, creative aspirations of the little person in every possible way, fix positive life scenarios in his mind.
Council number 2. More often tell your child that you love him just because you have him, that you value the time spent with him very much. Remember that children grow up quickly and these joyful moments will never happen again. Live in the present, appreciate what you have here and now. Be happy yourself!
Tip # 3. Praise your child for their success, create positive feedback. Remember that it is important for a child how parents relate to what happens to him in life. He desperately needs your participation, approval and support.
Tip # 4. Always consider the opinion of your child, remember that he is a person. And teach him to make an independent, informed choice.
Tip # 5. Make your child's life rich and varied, give him the opportunity to visit different situations and try himself in many different things. In the future, this will form a diversified personality with good adaptive abilities.
And finally, everything that you put into a child as a child will return a hundredfold in the future. Investing in your own children, both material and spiritual, is a very profitable investment that contributes not only to the disclosure of their individuality, but also to the well-being of the family as a whole.