The passion of a girl for a guy, unfortunately, is not always mutual. If you understand that the young man will not reciprocate you, you should try to do everything to stop wanting him.

Step 1
If you have a passion for a guy who doesn't want you, you need to do whatever it takes to eradicate that feeling. Try to look at a member of the opposite sex, who provokes your desire, with different eyes. Surely there are many flaws in it. Pay attention to his demeanor first. Maybe he uses stupid gestures when communicating with people, uses foul language or has some kind of bad habits. Try to find something in it that will annoy you. Secondly, you should take a closer look at its appearance. The guy may have ugly legs, small stature, overweight, or unattractive facial features. An emphasis on its external negative features can also discourage your desire a little.
Step 2
The second way is that you can stop communicating with a young person who is attracted but does not want you. Exclude visits to places where you can run into him, change your social circle, do not answer his calls and messages. As soon as you stop seeing him, most likely, you will begin to gradually wean from his presence, and also forget about your non-mutual desire.
Step 3
It is believed that the so-called "wedge by wedge" method often helps in such situations. Try to pay attention to the other guys around you. Surely among your acquaintances there will be a more attractive representative of the opposite sex, to seducing whom you can switch to in the future. Even if the object of your lust will be with you in the same company, try not to notice it. Cast all your spell on the other guy. Maybe in this way you can not only kill a painful desire in yourself, but also arouse the jealousy of a man who, even if he did not want intimacy with you, flattered his vanity with your unrequited feelings and senseless adoration.
Step 4
If all your thoughts are completely occupied with dreams of intimacy with a young man who does not feel passionate about you in return, try to distract yourself. Come up with an interesting activity that will consume you. Start improving yourself, learn some handicrafts, go in for sports, get involved in cooking, immerse yourself in work. The last lesson can not only save you from an obsessive stupid idea, but also bring you financial benefits. In addition, if you start taking care of your appearance, perhaps, over time, the young man will even pay his precious attention to you and he himself will begin to show attempts to get closer to such an attractive representative of the weaker sex.