A husband without a job - it would seem, it's okay, it's temporary. But the beloved seems to be starting to get used to idleness, he sits on the Internet for days and nights, he is not in a hurry for interviews. The gaps in the family budget are increasing. The situation is heating up, and the conflict is not far off. As you know, a woman in a critical situation adapts and finds a way out of it much faster than a vulnerable man. Losing a job is, of course, a huge stress for him. Here, resentment against former colleagues and bosses, hurt pride, lack of confidence in one's own professional suitability, disappointment is possible, because there are reasons for any dismissal.

Step 1
Your first task is to understand your man and accept the situation, it just so happened. In no case, do not reproach him, do not push or scold him, remember: his life has changed his usual rhythm, he needs to be helped to survive this stressful situation. Reproaches will only assure him of his own failure and, in general, can cause a deep and prolonged depression.
Step 2
Let your loved one make his own decisions. If he is inactive, push the hater into active behavior. As if by chance, say that this month you have not been able to pay your rent or loan due to lack of money. Let him feel responsible for the situation. But don't go overboard on this.
Step 3
Don't press him with questions: When will you go to the interview? When to work? Better cheer him up. Support him if he fails in his job search. Be patient. Advise your husband not only to send out CVs for vacancies, but also to register with the employment service, tell friends about your situation, hoping for outside help.
Step 4
Don't tell him: "You need any job, even a janitor, just to get paid." You demonstrate your distrust in his professional qualities and abilities. This is how a "ticking time bomb" appears, over time it will lead to a decrease in self-esteem, and even to despair in general.
Step 5
Direct his thoughts to the positive. It is better to formulate a specific desire: to find a job near home, with a good salary, a good team, and future prospects. If he is looking for something specific, of course, luck will soon smile on him, and in combination with your understanding and support, it will be much easier and faster for a man to find a job, and you will also avoid family conflicts, misunderstandings, reproaches and offenses. Remember that support, faith in your beloved man is the main thing in this matter!