How To Deal With The Psychological Crisis Of A One Year Old Child

How To Deal With The Psychological Crisis Of A One Year Old Child
How To Deal With The Psychological Crisis Of A One Year Old Child

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It seems like yesterday your baby was snoring quietly in his cradle. And you looked at him and dreamed that his bones would become stronger as soon as possible, and he himself could sit, stand, walk. And now a year has passed. The child turned into a fidget and began to study the world with great interest. And you already remember with longing the times when he lay in a crib like a "zucchini".

How to deal with the psychological crisis of a one year old child
How to deal with the psychological crisis of a one year old child

The whims and tantrums of a toddler drive you crazy. It seems to you that you are to blame for the fact that he does not understand the word "no". Don't be in a hurry to blame yourself. All these whims are nothing more than a psychological crisis of a one-year-old child.

The crisis of one year, according to psychologists, is experienced by all children. At this age, babies enter a transitional period in development. The child, as a rule, already confidently stands on his legs, walks by himself, seeks to study as many of the things around him as possible. But not all of these things are safe for him. You know that you cannot touch a hot oven - you can get burned, or you should not pick up garbage on the street - you can get sick. And the baby is not yet familiar with such concepts, so he throws a tantrum when you say "no" to him.

Some parents, trying to "restrain" the child, slap on the bottom or shout at him. But a one-year-old baby still does not understand what physical punishment is. Having received on the pope, he will cry and scream even louder. Therefore, hitting the child or raising his voice is not a way out of the problem. But it is also impossible to let the crumbs break the vase and get hurt by its fragments. How to be?

Curious children

First of all, remove all dangerous objects in the house away so that the baby not only cannot reach them, but also see them. If something from the "forbidden" still fell into the hands of the child or he insists on giving him a crystal glass or vase, do not suppress his curiosity, categorically no. Otherwise, the toddler may grow up sluggish and uninterested in anything. Consider this subject with him. If your toddler is drawn to hot objects, such as an iron or oven, explain that touching them will hurt. As if touch the hot object yourself and pretend to be burned. Then switch your child to something safer. For example, get him interested in silicone bakeware or brightly colored plastic cups.

Mom's tail

Going through the crisis of the first year, children want to attract as much attention as possible, especially their mother's. Even if the mother is at home with the child all day, he will follow her, like a tail, ask for her arms, demand to play with him. And mom needs to do the laundry, clean the apartment, cook dinner, redo a bunch of things. She thinks I'll do it all, then we'll play. But the baby needs attention right now. To save your nerves, it is better to postpone everything for half an hour. Spend this time on the toddler: play with him, read poetry, nursery rhymes, sing songs. After some time, the child will understand that you will not go anywhere, and will be able to sit quietly by himself, allowing you to complete household chores.

Another problem with ponytails is that mom can't even go to the toilet. As soon as you hide behind the restroom door, a heartbreaking cry is heard from the other side. The child is afraid that his mother will not return, and therefore cries. Try to get creative with your toilet. Take with you bright drawings, labels or candy wrappers. Slip them one by one under the door, asking your baby to do the same on the other side of the door. Sometimes it is enough for the child to hear the voice of the mother to be sure that she is there, so sing songs or read poems or nursery rhymes.

Children are very sensitive to mom's mood. If you are calm and the child next to you feels comfortable. If you freak out, the baby is also hysterical. Therefore, be patient, keep a mild sedative, such as valerian tincture, on hand. The transitional age will definitely end, and your child will again become calm and obedient.
